E(Extraversion)70% N(Intuition)60% T(Thinking)70% J(Judging)95%
General Desc.
The Portrait of the FieldMarshal Rational (ENTJ)
Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition, it ismarshalling or situational organizing role that reaches the highestdevelopment in Fieldmarshals. As this kind of role is practiced somecontingency organizing is necessary, so that the second suit of theFieldmarshal's intellect is devising contingency plans. Structural andfunctional engineering, though practiced in some degree in the courseof organizational operations, tend to be not nearly as well developedand are soon outstripped by the rapidly growing skills in organizing.But it must be said that any kind of strategic exercise tends to bringadded strength to engineering as well as organizing skills.
As the organizing capabilities the Fieldmarshal increase so doestheir desire to let others know about whatever has come of theirorganizational efforts. So they tend to take up a directive role intheir social exchanges. On the other hand they have less and lessdesire, if they ever had any, to inform others.
Hardly more thantwo percent of the total population, the Fieldmarshals are bound tolead others, and from an early age they can be observed taking commandof groups. In some cases, Fieldmarshals simply find themselves incharge of groups, and are mystified as to how this happened. But thereason is that Fieldmarshals have a strong natural urge to givestructure and direction wherever they are -- to harness people in thefield and to direct them to achieve distant goals. They resembleSupervisors in their tendency to establish plans for a task,enterprise, or organization, but Fieldmarshals search more for policyand goals than for regulations and procedures.
They cannot not build organizations, and cannot not push toimplement their goals. When in charge of an organization, whether inthe military, business, education, or government, Fieldmarshals morethan any other type desire (and generally have the ability) tovisualize where the organization is going, and they seem able tocommunicate that vision to others. Their organizational andcoordinating skills tends to be highly developed, which means that theyare likely to be good at systematizing, ordering priorities,generalizing, summarizing, at marshalling evidence, and atdemonstrating their ideas. Their ability to organize, however, may bemore highly developed than their ability to analyze, and theFieldmarshal leader may need to turn to an Inventor or Architect toprovide this kind of input.
Fieldmarshals will usually rise topositions of responsibility and enjoy being executives. They aretireless in their devotion to their jobs and can easily block out otherareas of life for the sake of their work. Superb administrators in anyfield -- medicine, law, business, education, government, and themilitary -- Fieldmarshals organize their units into smooth-functioningsystems, planning in advance, keeping both short-term and long-rangeobjectives well in mind. For the Fieldmarshals, there must always be agoal-directed reason for doing anything, and people's feelings usuallyare not sufficient reason. They prefer decisions to be based onimpersonal data, want to work from well thought-out plans, like to useengineered operations -- and they expect others to follow suit. Theyare ever intent on reducing bureaucratic red tape, task redundancy, andaimless confusion in the workplace, and they are willing to dismissemployees who cannot get with the program and increase theirefficiency. Although Fieldmarshals are tolerant of establishedprocedures, they can and will abandon any procedure when it can beshown to be ineffective in accomplishing its goal. Fieldmarshals rootout and reject ineffectiveness and inefficiency, and are impatient withrepetition of error.
ENTJ Strengths
• Genuinely interested in people's ideas and thoughts
• Enthusiastic and energetic
• Take their commitments very seriously
• Fair-minded and interested in doing the Right Thing
• Very good with money
• Extremely direct and straightforward
• Verbally fluent
• Enhance and encourage knowledge and self-growth in all aspects of life
• Able to leave relationships without looking back
• Able to turn conflict situations into positive lessons
• Able to take constructive criticism well
• Extremely high standards and expectations (both a strength and a weakness)
• Usually have strong affections and sentimental streaks
• Able to dole out discipline
ENTJ Weaknesses
• Their enthusiasm for verbal debates can make them appear argumentative
• Tendency to be challenging and confrontational
• Tend to get involved in "win-lose" conversations
• Tendency to have difficulty listening to others
• Tendency to be critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match their own
• Extremely high standards and expectations (both a strength and a weakness)
• Not naturally in tune with people's feelings and reactions
• May have difficulty expressing love and affection, sometimes seeming awkward or inappropriate
• Can be overpowering and intimidating to others
• Tendency to want to always be in charge, rather than sharing responsibilities
• Can be very harsh and intolerant about messiness or inefficiency
• Tendency to be controlling
• May be slow to give praise or to realize another's need for praise
• If unhappy or underdeveloped, they may be very impersonal, dictatorial, or abrasive
• Tendency to make hasty decisions
• Make explode with terrible tempers when under extreme stress
• Tendency to be challenging and confrontational
• Tend to get involved in "win-lose" conversations
• Tendency to have difficulty listening to others
• Tendency to be critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match their own
• Extremely high standards and expectations (both a strength and a weakness)
• Not naturally in tune with people's feelings and reactions
• May have difficulty expressing love and affection, sometimes seeming awkward or inappropriate
• Can be overpowering and intimidating to others
• Tendency to want to always be in charge, rather than sharing responsibilities
• Can be very harsh and intolerant about messiness or inefficiency
• Tendency to be controlling
• May be slow to give praise or to realize another's need for praise
• If unhappy or underdeveloped, they may be very impersonal, dictatorial, or abrasive
• Tendency to make hasty decisions
• Make explode with terrible tempers when under extreme stress
Careers for ENTJ Personality Types
Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in theworld, or a not-so-young adult trying to find out if you're movingalong the right path, it's important to understand yourself and thepersonality traits which will impact your likeliness to succeed or failat various careers. It's equally important to understand what is reallyimportant to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengthsand weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in anexcellent position to pick a career which you will find rewarding.
ENTJs generally have the following traits:
• Driven to turn theories into plans
• Highly value knowledge
• Future-oriented
• Natural leaders
• Impatient with inefficiency and incompetence
• Want things structured and orderly
• Excellent verbal communication skills
• Dislike routine, detail-oriented tasks
• Self-confident
• Decisive
• Highly value knowledge
• Future-oriented
• Natural leaders
• Impatient with inefficiency and incompetence
• Want things structured and orderly
• Excellent verbal communication skills
• Dislike routine, detail-oriented tasks
• Self-confident
• Decisive
ENTJs are especially well-suited to be leaders and organizationbuilders. They have the ability to clearly identify problems andinnovative solutions for the short and long-term well-being of anorganization. Having a strong desire to lead, they're not likely to behappy as followers. ENTJs like to be in charge, and need to be incharge to take advantage of their special capabilities.
The following list of professions is built on our impressions ofcareers which would be especially suitable for an ENTJ. It is meant tobe a starting place, rather than an exhaustive list. There are noguarantees that any or all of the careers listed here would beappropriate for you, or that your best career match is among thoselisted.
Possible Career Paths for the ENTJ:
• Corporate Executive Officer; Organization Builder
• Entrepreneur
• Computer Consultant
• Lawyer
• Judge
• Business Administrators and Managers
• University Professors and Administrators
• Entrepreneur
• Computer Consultant
• Lawyer
• Judge
• Business Administrators and Managers
• University Professors and Administrators
ENTJ Relationships
ENTJ Relationships
ENTJs put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into their relationships.Since their major quest in life is to constantly take in knowledge andturn that into something useful, the ENTJ will try to turn everythinginto a learning experience. Within the context of relationships, thatmeans they will constantly seek knowledge and revise the rules anddefinitions of their relationships. They value their relationshipshighly, especially those relationships which present them with newchallenges and stimulate their learning. Such exchanges promote genuineaffection and satisfaction for the ENTJ. Relationships which do notoffer any chances for growth or learning hold no interest to the ENTJ.As in other areas of life, the ENTJ likes to be in charge of theirrelationships. In conversation, they are very direct andconfrontational, and can be highly critical and challenging towardsothers. People involved in close relationships with the ENTJ need tohave a good amount of personal strength. For those who do, the ENTJ hasa tremendous amount to offer.
ENTJs as Lovers
ENTJs as Lovers
"To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as thepositive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy,fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know waspossible before." -- Rollo May
ENTJs make aggressive, enthusiastic partners who take theircommitments very seriously. As in other aspects of their life, theywant to be the leader in the relationship, and take on responsibilityfor making things work. The are creative leaders, and are likely tohave relationships which promote constant growth and learning. Sincethey are constantly scanning the environment for new ideas and thingsworth learning, the ENTJ may frequently re-define the "rules" of therelationship, although their commitment remains constant. If it becomesvery clear to them that the relationship no longer offers any chance ofgrowth or learning, the ENTJ will leave the situation, and not lookback.
ENTJs are usually very successful in their careers, and usuallyvery good with money. This is helpful in that it may remove a lot ofthe conflict which couples generate over money matters, but it maybecome a problem if the ENTJ is too much of a workaholic to spend timeon the growth and development of the relationship.
The ENTJ is not naturally in-tune with the feelings and emotionsof their partners. ENTJs who allow themselves time to be alone, anddevelop the introspective "feeling" side of their natures, will begenerally "softer" individuals, who are more aware of their partners'emotional needs. However, this awareness is almost always a consciousattempt on the part of the ENTJ, rather than a naturally occuringcharacteristic. ENTJs who do not make the attempt to be aware ofothers, and to value their feelings and opinions, may find themselvesin unbalanced relationships, where real communication does not takeplace. These kinds of situations present a two-edged sword to the ENTJ.They want to be in charge, but if they become so much in charge as tostifle their partners, they will eventually become bored with therelationship.
Sexually, the ENTJ is robust, imaginative and enthusiastic. Theirnatural instinct to lead will be apparent in this arena as well asother areas of life, and they will lead their partner on creativelovemaking adventures, where the focus is on mutual learning andaffection sharing. They're likely to expect sex on a relativelyscheduled basis.
The ENTJ does not usually have a problem with self-confidence andis not especially emotionally needy. Although they enjoy being toldthat they are loved and appreciated, they don't need to hear thesetypes of avowals as often as most other types. If they are partneredwith a Feeling type, they are probably not likely to fulfill theirpartner's needs for intimate words without conscious effort. Even witheffort, the ENTJ may have problems being aware of other's emotionalneeds, and they most likely won't understand those needs even if theyare aware of them.
ENTJs approach conflict as an opportunity for growth and learning.This is a very healthy outlook in general, but may be a problem in aclose relationship with a Feeling type. Individuals with the Feelingpreference generally detest conflict and criticism, and avoid it as onewould avoid a deadly snake. The ENTJs tendency to be confrontationalmay be very threatening to a person with a Feeling preference -especially so if they are an intimate partner of the ENTJ. An ENTJ whohas a well-developed Feeling side may work well with a partner with aFeeling preference. Otherwise, ENTJs will probably have the mostsuccessful intimate relationships with types which prefer the Thinkingprocess naturally, or who are not extremely strong on the Feelingpreference.
In general, the ENTJ has a lot to offer to their intimaterelationships. They're dedicated and enthusiastic, and willing to putforth a lot of effort to make things work out. They take onresponsibility and accountability, and expect to be in charge. Theirrelationship will be one based on mutual respect, constant growth anddevelopment.
Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy ahealthy relationship, ENTJ's natural partner is the INTP, or the ISTP.AN ENTJ's dominant function of Extraverted Thinking is best-matchedwith a personality type that is dominanted by Introverted Thinking. TheENTJ/INTP match is ideal, because it also shares the common Intuitiveway of looking at the world, but the ENTJ/ISTP match is also very good.How did we arrive at this?
ENTJs as Parents
ENTJs as Parents
"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth...
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable." -- Kahlil Gibran
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable." -- Kahlil Gibran
ENTJs take their parenting role very seriously. They consider thetask of passing on their values and goals to their children as anobjective fact - it is something which will be done. They consider ittheir responsibility to make sure that their child is constantlydeveloping and learning in the most optimal way. The ENTJ parent isusually rather strict, and has very high expectations of theirchildren.
As a parent, the ENTJ continuously promotes learning andindependent thinking. They pass on their love of knowledge to theirchildren, and challenge them at every turn to thoroughly understandtheir positions and perspectives. They expect that their children willfollow their lead. The ENTJ is in charge - there can be no doubt aboutthat. They expect their children to honor their parents, and to followthe rules and procedures which are set forth for the household. Thereis little room for error in those expectations, and the ENTJ will be aharsh parental authoritarian when the rules are broken. The children ofan ENTJ usually know their place, and have a lot of respect for theirENTJ parent.
During the teen years, we are likely to see a child rebel fromtheir relationship with the ENTJ. Although this situation is commonwith almost all of the types, it is especially true for parents who areExtraverted Judging types. Children growing into adults do not want tobe controlled, and adults who are used to controlling their childrenhave a difficult time letting go. The ENTJ parent would be wise to"loosen up" their hold a bit, as long as they can do so withoutcompromising what they feel to be right.
ENTJs who have not given themselves introspective time to developthe feeling side of their nature frequently develop harsh, aggressivetendancies. Such an ENTJ parent is prone to be something of a dictator- giving out orders arbitrarily, and expecting them to be followed to a"T" without any "back-talk". If continued over a long span of time,this kind of behavior creates an oppressive environment for the child.An ENTJ can address such tendancies by making time for introspection,and remembering to consciously be aware of people's feelings.
ENTJs who have managed to avoid many of the problems associatedwith their type are wonderful parental figures. They are rememberedfondly and valued by their children for challenging them at every turn,and thus promoting growth and development. This type of knowledgeseeking usually becomes a life-long habit for their children, who turninto responsible and independent adults.
ENTJs as Friends
ENTJs as Friends
ENTJs are bright, energetic, sociable individuals who are keenlyinterested in other people's ideas, theories and perspectives. Theylove nothing better than to participate in quality conversation withother people who share similar views to their own, or who havesomething new to teach the ENTJ. They make stimulating, interesting,and dynamic friends and peers.
The ENTJ thoroughly enjoys lively, intellectual conversations -welcoming such interaction as a learning opportunity for all partiesinvolved. They have a tendency to be direct and challenging wheninteracting with others, which tends to put people on the defensive.This is in fact exactly what they're after - the ENTJ wants to learnwhat you know, and understand as many of the nuances of your knowledgeas the context of the conversation will allow. They go after thisknowledge in a very direct, confrontational manner. With this approach,they will learn not only the facts of the knowledge, but also thebackground of the individual's stance on that piece of knowledge. Howwell does the individual understand the topic? How invested is theindividual in their stance? This method of "unsettling" people has theeffect of livening up conversations and stimulating learning, when theother conversationalists are able to easily withstand theinterrogations of the ENTJ. People who are uncomfortable with beingchallenged, or who are less than confident in the topic beingdiscussed, are likely to be subdued into not expressing themselves withthe ENTJ. This is a bit of a shame, since many people have valuablethings to offer, but are not always willing to stand on top of amountain and strongly shout their views to the world.
The ENTJ is likely to seek the company of people who have similarviews and interests to their own. They have no patience with people whohave very different lifestyles and perspectives from their own.However, as individuals with a great deal of personal power, ENTJs arehighly attracted to interacting with other individuals with a powerfulpresence. They admire such people, although they may not agree withthem. ENTJs are likely to form their closer friendships with otheriNtuitives - especially Extraverted iNtuitives, such as ENTJs, ENTPs,ENFJs, and ENFPs. The ENTJ will enjoy the other iNtuitives' stimulatingcompany, who share their enthusiasm for ideas and learning.
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